Statistician | AI Researcher | Robotics, Control & Intelligent Systems Enthusiast
Hello! I am a proficient statistician and AI engineer. I excel at extracting actionable insights from diverse datasets to support informed decision-making. With a proven track record designing, training, and deploying AI models, I bring a versatile skill set and passion for leveraging data and AI to drive innovation. My passion extends into robotics, where I am committed to advancing the field and exploring cutting-edge applications that harness the synergies between artificial intelligence and autonomous systems.
My long-term goal is to pursue a PhD in AI and robotics, leveraging my skills to make a global impact.
My research Interests focuses on:
Fatima Fellowship - Standford University (September 2024 - June 2025)
AIMS South Africa & Stellenbosch University - South Africa (September 2023 - July 2024)
AIMS South Africa & Stellenbosch University - Cape Town, South Africa (September 2023 - July 2024)
Sub-regional Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics - Yaounde, Cameroon (September 2019 - July 32023)
Deep Knowledge Group - England (October 2024 - Now)
World Food Programme - Cameroon (February 2023 - June 2023)
Ministry of Finance and Budget - Chad (June 2022 - September 2022)
Environmental Health Support Office - Chad (August 2022)
Under review in: International Conference on the Promotion of Applied Statistics for decision-making and development in Africa
GitHUB repositoryDownload my CV here.
LinkedIn: beriakalpelbe
GitHub: beria-kalpelbe